Regulatory Cosmetic Blogs



personal care Marcha Isabelle Chaudry personal care Marcha Isabelle Chaudry

What Colors to Avoid in Cosmetics & How to Label Them Correctly

Discover essential insights on FDA color additive compliance in the cosmetics industry with Marcha Isabelle Chaudry, a renowned attorney and expert in cosmetic policy and compliance. This guide covers crucial topics including which color additives to avoid in beauty products and best practices for accurate labeling to ensure your products meet FDA standards.

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personal care The Equity & Wellness Collaborative personal care The Equity & Wellness Collaborative

Decoding MoCRA: Small Business Exemptions and What They Entail

This blog clarifies the exclusions under MoCRA for small businesses, outlining the thresholds for exemptions and highlighting the importance of understanding which aspects of the regulation still apply. It's an essential read for small cosmetic brands striving to navigate the regulatory landscape effectively.

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