Important FDA Update: Extended Deadlines for MoCRA Compliance
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently announced an extension for compliance with the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA).
This is a crucial update for all stakeholders in the cosmetics industry. Here are the key points:
Enforcement Delay: The FDA will not enforce the new requirements for cosmetic product facility registration and product listing until July 1, 2024. This six-month extension past the original December 29, 2023, deadline provides additional preparation time for the industry.
Who It Affects: The extension applies to facilities and responsible persons engaged in manufacturing or processing cosmetics as well as those marketing cosmetic products that began after December 29, 2022.
Next Steps: Businesses should use this period to ensure they understand and are ready to comply with MoCRA's mandates. This includes registering facilities, listing products, and confirming exemption eligibility if applicable.
As your dedicated partner in compliance, EWC specializes in preparing your business to meet these new FDA mandates. We offer comprehensive support in facility registration, product listing, and navigating exemptions to ensure your operations align with MoCRA.